23 de setembro de 2009

August Letter - in September

Dear friends and family,

We did not get a letter written last month because we had the month
full of wonderful visitors. As a matter of fact the last three month
have been full of adventure and meeting new friends.Each group was
different and each one was special. We have had Virginia Beach and
they did evangelism in the schools. The Doss family and they were used
in many different areas. Georgia and they did work on the widows home
and evangelism in the neighborhoods where we have an established
mission point. And then Texas where my brother Fred is a member and
they worked in the main Church. And Kentucky who preached and taught
in several mission points.

We are in the process of doing follow-up on all these groups,
especially the school evangelism group. We have enough names and
addresses to keep us busy for the rest of the year. What a great and
AWESOME job left for us to do. I thank the Lord that even though the
people here are of various religious persuasions they are still open
to us presenting the gospel to them. Keep praying for our ministry
with the schools and in the neighborhoods. Your prayers are being
heard and they are very effective.

Construction is going good on the dorm. We now have the cement for
the ceiling pored and this was a great challenge. We had a working and
had 15 men come to help. We started early on Monday morning and worked
til late. Using the 2 concrete mixers for our mixing and they ran non
stop. Construction here is somewhat different to there in the States.
We cannot just call the concrete company and get a 15 yards of cement
delivered. I have to order the sand and the gravel and cement and mix
it on site. But I am not complaining because I have the 2 mixers and
others don't have that they have to mix theirs the old fashion way,
with hoes and shovels only.

The work process; even though a little bit antique, still gets done.
And for this reason it is good to visit a mission work and see that
process in action.All behind your PRAYERS, SUPPORT, and Gods abundant
blessings. Come see and help here in Brasil.Construction,
evangelism,backyard bible schools,and the ladies
ministries, mix it all together and out comes lives changed,people
transformed and people saved.How AWESOME is the Lord we serve!!!!
We will try to include pictures but therein lies another problem.

Our telephones here are so unreliable and thus our computer also. It
impedes us in our communication with you all.Even as we speak(or
write) we are waiting for our phones to be fixed. Just another thorn
in our side, and don't we all have these little problems.
Barb has been in the States for the last 3 weeks visiting her mom.
Mrs. Reba had a birthday and Barbara was able to be with her for this
day. It was a blessing for the both of them.

We are re-establishing the bus ministry and the children are anxious
to get back to Sunday School. We would like to take this time to thank
each one of you who have helped with the purchase of that bus. We will
continue to make payments on the bus monthly and it is being a
blessing. I took the van in for servicing after we got the bus and
after 2 days and $3,000 it was almost back in shape. Yes our roads and
over sized loads that we put in the van caused many things to need
repair.Now the S-10 needs to have the same thing done to it and I am a
little bit scared about the cost. Even with preventative maintenance
things wear out.

While Barbara was in the States myself and the other 2 pastors went
to a Pastors Conference. We had three days of refreshing and
rejuvenating. Pray for the Church here in Caraguatatuba as our
principal Pastor is going to leave on the first day of the year to be
a missionary himself. That means that we will be in search of a pastor
for our Church.We have 2 candidates for the position and all within
our ministry. It is good that we have these available candidates here
in our Church Pray for the Lord's will in this pastoral search.

And as usual, come on down the bed is turned down and the mint is on
the pillow. Come see what God is doing with your mission dollars!!!

In His service,
Aj and Barbara

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